Thursday, July 16, 2009


Hello Everyone!

I have moved this blog onto wordpress (which I host).
So follow this link for more notes from the Wrestling Chick!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Smackdown begun just as Raw this past Monday. Edge cuts an in-ring promo bragging about his Heavy weight Championship win…once again. Why am I not surprised? Edge declares that he took an opportunity. He is "a winner, not a loser". Jeff Hardy comes out to challenge Edge for the title. (I'm confused. Does that mean that his rivalry between his brother is over?) Jeff insults Edge by telling him that his wife wears the pants in the relationship. Oh Snap!

  • Michelle McCool and Maryse DEFEAT Eve Torres and Maria.

    Notes: Damn! Poor Eve had three seconds in the ring before she was laid to be pinned.

Great promo between Miz and Morrison, the Bella Twins, and Carlito and Primo. I mean damn! Morrison's abs are made steel! Besides Morrison's abs…what is up with that get up? It is a funny thought that Morrison walks around showing off his abs like that…even in a fancy restaurant. It had a real purpose, since it does further their rivalry. The WWE hasn't had many good tag team rivalries recently. So, it's good to see these four (or six) of these people fighting amongst each other.

Plus, Miz and Morrison crack me up!

  • R-Truth and MVP DEFEAT Shelton Benjamin and Chavo

    Notes: Shelton Benjamin and Chavo obviously don't understand the meaning of team work. Although, the upside it that MVP takes the win! It's nice to see MVP winning these days, but I do enjoy him most when he is a heel.

Before Jim Ross introduces Triple H for an interview, he shows a clip instead…a clip that goes on for like 5 minutes…well it went on for a long time. There was no reason for that clip to go back that far a few weeks. We know what happened a few weeks ago with Vince and Shane. No need to repeat. We get the point!

Great interview…but I have issues with this storyline. All of the sudden Stephanie and Triple H are married again. Ok, I know that they are married in real life. However, in the WWE Universe, they are divorced. Couldn't they have just made up a short explanation for their reunion. I'm just a little disappointed that they chose to disregard previous storylines to serve this one. Not that I'm not excited to see Triple H vs. Randy Orton again. I am.

  • Umaga DEFEATS a guy named Scott Goldman

    Notes: Umaga has gone back to fighting jobbers. I actually like that he is having these type of matches since it reaffirms how dangerous he is. God…I miss Armando Alejandro Estrada! He was a great manager.

When I see Vladimir Kozlov, I keep thinking Rocky IV. "I will break the Undertaker" sounds a lot like "I must break you."

  • Jeff Hardy DEFEATS Edge due to disqualification.

    Notes: What an explosive match! Edge and Jeff Hardy are great story teller and they built up the match to a great climax with Matt Hardy interfering. So, I guess Matt and Jeff aren't done yet. I can't wait to see what happens in the end.

Overall, this was a great Smackdown episode. Obviously, I had some issues with the Triple H interview.

Tell me what you thought.

Please comment!



Please comment!

Tell me what you think.


AJPW “PRO-WRESTLING LOVE in RYOGOKU vol. 7″, 3/14/09 (PPV)Tokyo Ryogoku Kokugikan

  • AJPW World Jr. Heavyweight Title: Kaz Hayashi (c) vs. Minoru

  • AJPW World Tag Team Title: Taiyo Kea & Minoru Suzuki (c) vs. Winner of 3/1 #1 Contendership

  • Triple Crown: Great Muta (c) vs. Yoshihiro Takayama

For additional information, click here.

Tyler Black vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Hello everyone!

I'm sure everyone has heard by now, but just as a reminder Tyler Black and Jimmy Jacobs are due to face each other by the end of this month. They will put an end to their bitter rivalry by facing one on one at the legendary Arena on February 28th. This match will be broadcasted on television (which is a first for ROH) on HDNet.

For more information on this match, click here.

To buy tickets for this event or anyother future event, click here.


This is the expected list of matches due for tonight:

  • World Champion Edge vs. Jeff Hardy
  • MVP & R-Truth vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chavo Guerrero
  • Maryse & Michelle McCool vs. Eve Torres & Maria
  • Umaga vs. Scotty Goldman

Thursday, February 19, 2009


The Daily Star website has posted a very interesting interview with WWE's very own William Regal posted on February 13th. He speaks openly about his heart scare and his quick recovery.
About his most recent rivalry with CM Punk, he says:
"I’ve been fan of Punk for a long time now. I’d
heard about him from his work with ROH."
Regal goes on: “If I liked him before, I’m very
impressed now."
“It’s been a long time since I found anyone in the
ring who I have this sort of special connection with."
This is a good interview. I suggest you check out the rest at the Daily Star UK website:


Kurt Angle kicks off TNA with an in-ring promo discussing Sting. He says Sting violated the code for the Main Event Mafia by putting himself first before the family. Angle demands Jeff Jarrett to allow the empty arena match between him and Sting, and then leaves the ring.

Notes: Empty Arena Match. Interesting. Is it really a match if there is not one to cheer?

  • Tag Team Street Fight: The Motor City Machineguns defeat Lethal Consequences.

Alex Shelley pinned Consequences Creed.

Jeff Jarrett allowed the empty arena match between Kurt Angle and TNA Champion Sting.
Cut to the Main Event Mafia (minus Sting) talking Kurt out of this particular match. Booker T leaves and is at the end of a butt kicking with his wife screaming at the top of her lungs.

The TNA Tag Team Champions Beer Money, Inc. come out into the middle of the ring to issue an open challenge. The stipulation of this open challenge is that the man pinned must leave TNA for good.

Notes: I'm guessing that this open challenge is something similar to what the WWE had done to the hardcore title…the 24/7 stipulation. At least that is what it sounded to me. Anytime. Anywhere….sounds interesting to me!

  • Shane Sewell & LAX defeat Matt Morgan, Sheik Abdul Bashir, & Brutus Magnus. Sewell pins Bashir.
  • Taylor Wilde (accompanied by Roxxi & Governor Palin) defeat Angelina Love (accompanied by Velvet Sky & Cute Kip).

    Notes: Aggghhhh! That Governor Palin impersonation is absolutely terrible! I don't know why TNA is doing this and what purpose it serves for the Knockouts.

    Overall, great match! Love Taylor Wilde! She is probably my second favorite Knockout…ODB being my first favorite!

  • TNA Championship Match: Beer Money, Inc. defeat Team Canada (Eric Young & Petey Williams).

    Robert Roode pinned Petey Williams. As a result, Williams' TNA career is officially over.

    Notes: I guess this is no surprise that he would be the one to get pinned, considering that the news of him leaving had leaked. Goodbye Petey! You will be missed.

  • Empty Arena Match: Kurt Angle vs. Sting.

    Notes: This was an exciting match and so far I am enjoying this storyline between Kurt and Sting. The crowd is led into a room with a monitor screening the match. Kurt Angle and Sting made their way out to the ring with theme music. Why theme music when no one is there? They fought all over the arena. Kurt and Sting come to a stand still. Sting holds up a chair, about to hit Kurt. Kurt yells out he is sorry, repeatedly. Scott Steiner and Kevin Nash come out to get in between the two. Sting shakes Kurt's hand, then Kurt spits in his face. (ooooooo!) Another brawl ensues and the MEM with security guards try to break them up.

    No one wins.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009



Monday, February 16, 2009


Wow! What an episode! Raw ended on a high note with Triple H running out to Stephanie's rescue (a little too late for that, I might add) and hyping up a possible feud with Randy Orton. To be honest with you, I thought that Stephanie was on the phone with Vince earlier, leading me to believe that he was going to return to Raw again. However, I was wrong. Apparently Triple H and Stephanie have rekindled their relationship off-camera. Yes, I know that they have real marriage behind the scenes. Their relationship on-camera took me by suprise, but it is a pleasent surprise. I am glad that Triple H and Stephanie are back together again, because I have always thought they made a great duo.

Although, I thought it was kinda funny that Triple H was hovering over Stephanie's body, holding her hand, and getting very upset. It was only a few years ago that Triple H pedigreed his own wife, Stephanie:

Anyway, let's go through the show rundown.

Edge and his beautiful wife Vickie Guerrero open the show. It was unusual seeing them on Raw, since we usually see them on Smackdown. The World Heavyweight Championship rested on his broad shoulders as he proudly ragged on his special accomplishment of competing in two eliminatin chamber matches. Edge asks if we want to know what the R in Rated R Superstar stands for. He says it stands for remarkable, resplendent or really, really smart. Ha! Ha!

Cena Comes out and congradulates Edge for his win. Cena says the R does stands for many things. Remarkable, Really really lucky, right place right time, and Cena's favorite; rematch. Ha! Ha! Ha! Right back at ya Edge! They continue to set up a promo to fuel a rivalry. Edge vs. Cena pt II, Please!


  • William Regal, Cody Rhodes, & Ted Dibiase (w. Layla) defeat Cryme Tyme and CM Punk

  • Kane defeats Jamie Noble

  • Rey Mysterio defeats Mike Knox

  • WWE Women's Championship: Melina defeats Beth Phoenix (w. Santino Marella & Rosa Mendes)

  • Unsanctioned Street Fight: Randy Orton defeats Shane McMahon

I would have liked to see more of the actual wrestling and less of the theatrics and promo talk. Overall, it was a very entertaining show. Raw ended on a high note and I can't wait to see what happens next week.

For a full recap of Raw, click here.


ROH Video Wire 2/10/2009

Review Guy's chat pt. 1

Hype Show Ep 5

Sunday, February 15, 2009


To read the whole article, check out The Wrestling Chick Photogallery.